1. Amdahl’s law
- speedup(f, n) = $\frac{1}{(1-f) + \frac{f}{n}}$
- f: fraction of program that is parallelizable
- n: parallel processors
1.1. resource limits symmetric version
Suppose the total resource is fixed, and each processor uses the same amount of resources.
- speedup(f, n, r) = $\frac{1}{\frac{1-f}{perf(r)} + \frac{f}{perf(r) * \frac{n}{r}}}$
- f: fraction of program that is parallelizable
- n: total processing resources
- r: resources dedicated to each processing core
- BCEs: Generic unit of cost
- area, power, etc
- x-axis: resources per core
- right: fewer fatter cores
- left: many small cores
- perf(r) modeled as $\sqrt{r}$
- graph:
- f = 0.5: for workload with small parallelism ability, less but fatter core wins
- f = 0.999: for workload with huge parallelism ability, more but thinner core wins
- optimal point: peak point
- analysis 1: fraction f should be as high as possible
- analysis 2: having r > 1 BCEs per core can be beneficial (for n = 256, f = 0.975, maximum speedup at 7.1 BCEs per core)
1.2. asymmetric set of processing cores
- 上图给出了n资源异构处理器相对于单位资源单处理器的加速比
- 1-f串行部分通过perf(r)执行,f可并行部分通过(n-r)perf(1) + pref(r)执行
- perf(r)相当于拥有r资源的单个核相对于单位资源单个核的性能
- 大小核架构不仅最大加速比提升了
- 而且peak加速比的位置偏移了
- 并且不同workload的加速比峰值位置相对更加集中
1.3. heterogeneous processing
real world
并行 | 串行 |
components that can be widely parallelized | components that are difficult to parallelize |
components that are amenable to wide SIMD execution | components are not (divergent control flow) |
components with predictable data access | components with unpredictable access, but might cache well |
Idea: the most efficient processor is a heterogeneous mixture of resources (“use the most efficient tool for the job”)
real world heterogeneous
choosing the right tool for the job
- challenges of heterogeneity
- use preferred processor for each task
- what is the right mixture of resources to meet performance, cost, and energy goals?
- implication: increased pressure to understand workloads accurately at chip design time
- use preferred processor for each task
- pitfalls of heterogeneous designs
- how to map programs onto a heterogeneous collection of resources?
- pick the right tool for the job: software portability nightmare
- reducing energy consumption idea 1: use specialized processing
- reducing energy consumption idea 2: move less data
note: traditional rule of thumb in “good system design” is to design simple, general-purpose components. not the case with emerging processing systems
note: today want collection of components that meet perf requirement AND minimize energy use
note challenge of using these resources effectively is pushed up to the programmer